Online Exam Helper

A Beginner’s Guide On Explanatory Essay

Have you ever given an explanatory essay but don’t know where to start? An explanation essay can be difficult because it necessitates a precise format and careful framing of each portion. If you don’t understand the subject, the process can turn into a nightmare, but you can now sigh relief because we’re here to help.

This blog by Academics Helper, the best Online Exam Helper, explains everything about the explanatory essay that how to create it to secure better grades. Continue reading for the most extraordinary explanatory essay outline and step-by-step instructions on how to compose each section.

What Is An Explanatory Essay?

It is a type of academic writing in which students express their perspective on a given topic, situation, or event. Although many students choose to share their point of view, it might equally be one with which you disagree. However, you must back up your viewpoint with facts.

An explanatory essay teaches students how to provide facts about a situation or issue without debating its accuracy. It also allows the writer to research extensively on the subject, assess the available facts, and convey the information clearly.

Many students make the mistake of believing that they must advocate one viewpoint when writing explanatory essays. Instead, it would be best to approach it from a neutral standpoint. Your main goal should be to clear up any confusion and offer a logical explanation for why things happened the way they did.

How To Write Explanatory Essay?

Writing an explanatory essay is similar to educating people on a specific subject, which necessitates a thorough comprehension of the issue, a good outline, and a clear presentation of the essential elements. Let’s take a closer look at how to compose an explanatory essay for better grades.

Pick A Topic

The first step in creating an explanatory essay is to choose the correct subject or topic. Consider starting with a topic as obvious as possible and on which you can find materials to support your chosen stance.

It is a good idea to choose a non-controversial issue so that you can remain as ideal as possible. Therefore, develop a list of fascinating topics before limiting it down to the one that is best for you. Remember that if your teacher or lecturer has declared a specific area to write, you must follow it.

How To Start

Since you’ve already decided on the topic, now is the time to get started. But wait, before you begin writing the introduction, you must first choose the elements that will be utilised in the essay. It is best to select materials that are current in order to make the essay more relevant.

To produce high-quality explanatory essays, conduct extensive research using the materials you’ve chosen. Select the most outstanding points to support the chosen viewpoint, capturing numbers, quotes, and figures that provide readers with clear insights about specific topics/situations.

Write Introduction

The explanatory essay comprises a hook, a background, and a thesis statement. Continue reading to learn more about these sections:

Hook: This is the starting statement of the essay, and you should use it to pique and grab the readers’ interest.

Background: Before heading towards the body, the reader will want to learn more about your issue. So, use a line or two to summarise the essential background information on the topic.

Thesis statement: You may have come across the word “thesis statement” when writing an explanatory essay. So, what exactly is an explanatory thesis statement? This statement expresses your point of view on the subject or issue under examination.

Write Body

The body of the explanatory essay format does the majority of the work. The points you have planned from the beginning of the paper should be delivered right here.

Each paragraph should begin with a topic statement and use the following points to support it. A standard essay should have three body paragraphs.


You don’t want to leave the reader hanging after reading your body. So, conclude the essay with an engaging and informative conclusion. There should be three main components to this.

  • First, restate the essay’s thesis statement and then outline the critical aspects.
  • Second, make your summary as brief and concise as possible.
  • Third, the concluding statement summarising the value you rationally defended in the paper is the final part of the conclusion.

Conclusive Thoughts

Are you ready now that we’ve shown you what an explanatory essay is and how to get the top grades? If you are not, possibly due to a lack of time, among other factors, consider seeking the assistance of our specialist writers online. 

We at Academics Helper have professional writers providing the best explanatory and Powerpoint presentation design services uk in the UK.

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